Blade Strangers: pubblicato un trailer su Curly Brace di Cave Story

Nicalis ha pubblicato un nuovo trailer su Curly Brace di Cave Story, personaggio presente nel roster di Blade Strangers, titolo in arrivo presto sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo fighting game realizzato da Studio Saizensen, sarà pubblicato da Nicalis nel corso dell’estate, anche sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete osservare il tweet in questione, in calce all’articolo.

The Future of Fighting Games Begins Today!

A malevolent force known only as Lina is devouring data from a vast, interdimensional network of servers overseen by sentient computers called ”motes.” In desperation, the motes summon heroes from a variety of parallel game worlds to face off against each other in one-on-one combat. The tournament victor has the potential to be awakened as the Blade Stranger—the savior who can vanquish Lina and protect the motes from further harm!

Developed by Studio Saizensen, Blade Strangers is a hardcore old-school fighting game. The streamlined four-button control scheme makes it easy for beginners to deal out damage from day one…but the intricate combos, counters and specials give tournament-caliber players plenty of opportunities for frame counting, chain construction and hit-box science.


  • Fighter roster includes characters from previous Studio Saizensen games (like Code of Princess and Sayonara Umihara Kawase), Nicalis games (like Cave Story+) and other surprise entrants
  • Each character has three alternate color settings and their own familiar “home” stage
  • Proprietary development system transforms 3-D models and animation into 2-D spritework; every frame looks like a gorgeous anime drawing
  • Online competition with minimum input lag
  • Accessible controls designed to bring fresh blood to the ranks of fighting-game fans worldwide
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